Abbeys (4 travel photos / pictures)
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Photo Of Sweetheart Abbey Scotland
Archways stand among the ruins of Sweetheart Abbey with a carpet of brilliant green grass flowing beneath them in Scotland, Europe.
The ruins of sweetheart abbey in southwestern scotland tell a heartbreaking story. It is said that the wife of an ancient king mourned the loss of her beloved husband so much that she not only built ...
Sweetheart Abbey
Ruins of Sweetheart Abbey in Scotland, Europe.
The ruins of Sweetheart Abbey in Southwestern Scotland tell a heartbreaking story. It is said that the wife of an ancient king bemourned the loss of her beloved husband so much that she not only build ...
Coombe Abbey Coventry England
The Quiet Coombe abbey near the industrial city of Coventry in England, Europe.
The picturesque ancient cloister of Coombe Abbey near Coventry lays surrounded by parks and small lakes. Today a hotel, the abbey is still preserved in it's original outfit. Even a sarkophage with ...
Melrose Abbey Scotland
Ruins of Melrose Abbey in Scotland, Europe.
One of the most famous ruined abbeys in Scotland is Melrose Abbey south of Edinburgh.The abbey was destroyed by fire in the 18th century and is since then preserved, surrounded by its ancient grav ...