Thomas Schaeffer (403 travel photos / pictures)
Bio for our nature and wildlife photographer Thomas Schaeffer.

Thomas Schaeffer, born in 1965, was infected with the virus of photography by his father at the age of 10. He started with 35mm b/w, slide film, and view finder cameras with fixed lenses.
It was in 1981 when he bought his first SLR, a Canon AE-1, that he started more serious shooting, consequently buying more lenses, then in 1983 a Canon A-1. By that time he also become familiar with b/w lab work and joined some photography classes in school. After school and during military service, university, and the early working years as an engineer, photography was reduced to just holiday shooting. Then in 1993 he bought a new Canon EOS 100 during a trip to the US southwest as a replacement for his broken Canon A-1.
The motive-rich southwest and the new technology re-ignited his love for photography. So after returning from the US Southwest he started photographing regularly as well as conducting slide shows on a small scale for regional audiences. Over the years he has added to and upgraded his equipment both for cameras and projection, preparing slide shows about every trip he and his wife made to the US west and Canada in the 1990s. He also authored two travel-guide style CDs about the US west and Alaska, which ran on PCs.
It was in 2001, after some terrorist spoiled a planned trip in September to the southwest, that he bought his first Canon EOS D30 instead. The switch to fully digital boosted both his skills and picture frequency immediately. Now the complete connection between his two passions, photography and computers, was available. Moving on to the D60 and 20D cameras, replacing all lenses to better ones along the way was only logical. Another boost for the passion came in 2005 on a workshop on Vancouver Island with pro-photographer Rolf Hicker, where he not only learnt a lot but also shot stunning pictures of whales and the canadian landscape.
Today he specializes in Travel, Landscape and wildlife photography, which he conducts mainly during his holiday trips to Europe, the US and Canada.
RSS Feed for keyword: "Thomas Schaeffer" 
Rooster Bird Picture Funen Village Odense Denmark
A proud rooster wanders freely at the Outdoor Museum - The Funen Village in Odense, Denmark. The Rooster is a member of the chicken bird family.
A Rooster, bird, chicken, at the Outdoor Museum Village of Funen, Odense, Denmark, Europe.
Copenhagen Dusk Nyhavn Canal Entertainment District Denmark
Established in the 17th century, the district of Nyhavn in the beautiful city of Copenhagen features a canal, brightly coloured buildings, and is a popular entertainment district from dusk to dawn.
Definitely one of the busiest places to go out at night in Copenhagen is the Nyhavn district with countless bars and restaurants along the Nyhavn waterway with its row of anchored boats and colour ...
Sand Formations White Sands National Monument New Mexico USA
A basin of beautiful white sand with ripples and formations caused by the winds and rain of nature as it sweeps over White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, USA.
The vast white dunes of White sands National Monument in New Mexico present themselves best in the light of sunset or sunrise. We were lucky to have a break in the clouds after an afternoon of thunder ...
Old Town Dresden Architecture
Night shot of the old town of Dresden the capital city of the State of Saxony in Germany, Europe.
Dresdens old town was nearly completely destroyed during the 2nd world war. However, in the last 30 years most of the old residences and churches were rebuilt and restored.
Little Mermaid Statue Copenhagen Tourist Attraction Denmark
Sculpted by Edvard Eriksen and unveiled on August 23, 1913, the Little Mermaid statue, or Lille Havfru in Danish, sits along the waterfront in the Copenhagen harbour and is a major tourist attraction.
It's a relatively small statue being only 1.25 metres high and is often greeted with surprise by tourists when they see just how small it is.
The head of the Little Mermaid statue was modeled b ...
Action Downhill Skiing Wildkogel Pinzgau Austria
Snow flying action as a man, experienced at downhill skiing, descends the slopes at the Wildkogel ski area in the Pinzgau region of Austria.
Skiing the snow covered slopes of the austrian alps this guy was really impressive with his skills in downhill skiing.
As a professional ski instructor for almost 25 years he had lots of opport ...
Sunset Clouds Reflection Austrian Alps Pinzgau Austria
A vivid sunset lights the evening sky and clouds and its reflection highlights the peaks of the Austrian Alps in the Pinzgau region of Austria.
During a spectacular sunset in the austrian alps the clouds began glowing bright orange when illuminated by the setting sun.
A tiny cross atop one of the massive peaks of the Austrian alps, sta ...
Wild Horses Langeland Island Denmark Europe
Introduced to southern Langeland Island in Denmark as a means to keep the countryside tidy, a herd of wild horses graze and roam freely in the area and are now a tourist attraction.
These now wild horses were brought to Langeland several years ago to keep the grass in a certain large area of Langeland Island short and clean.
Nowadays these magnificent animals roam around f ...
Egeskov Castle Funen Island Denmark Europe
The historic Egeskov Castle on the Island of Funen in Denmark was built with defense in mind, since it was built during a time of civil unrest in the 16th Century.
Egeskov slot (aka Egeskov Castle) on the Island of Funen located in the Baltic Sea represents one of the best preserved Renaissance castles in Europe.
Situated on large park like grounds, the c ...
Langeland Island Beach Sunset Denmark Europe
The soft light of sunset brushes the sandy beach of Langeland Island. Langeland Island is situated in Denmark, Europe and is surrounded by the Baltic Sea.
A Danish island in the Baltic Sea at the marine intersection of the Great Belt and the Bay of Kiel, Langeland Island covers an area of 284 square kilometres (110 square miles).
Although it is a ...
California Pacific Coastline USA
Rocky bluffs and outcrops are molded by the unrelenting action of the Pacific Ocean along the California Coastline in the USA.
On the rocky shoreline of the 17 Miles drive near Monterey, california the powerful waves of the pacific are splashing over the rocks.
Award Winning Polar Bear Picture Hudson Bay Canada
A polar bear makes its way towards the camera during a photo shoot on the shores of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. A 2008 award winning picture by Thomas Schaeffer.
The internet is one of the most common and far reaching ways for photographers to publish their work. By posting pictures in one of the many "communities" which provide a platform for photographer ...
Knight Inlet Scenery British Columbia Canada
One of longest inlets on the coast of British Columbia in Canada, Knight Inlet is a place with mystical scenery of mountains, forests, and the coastal waters of the Pacific.
After a day of boating in the remote Knight Inlet along the coast of the mainland of British Columbia, we rested in Glendale cove and had good time when shortly after sunset this gorgeous evening ...
Sunset Sheep North Sea Germany
A lone sheep stands on a ridge backdropped by vivid sunset colours over the North Sea on the Eiderstedt Peninsula of Germany, Europe.
In the vincinity of the Westerhever lighthouse thousands of sheep are roaming the area. One of these sheep was just staring at me as I photographed the sunset.
Sheep during sunset on the Eiders ...
North Sea Sunset Vorupoers Jutland Denmark Europe
The sun sinks to the North Sea horizon during sunset over the beach in Vorupoer on the Jutland Peninsula of Denmark, Europe.
On the beach of Vorupoer at the danish west coast the boats and ships of the local fishermen are pulled up the sandy beach for the night. There are only very few places like this one left where th ...
Silhouetted Balanced Rock Dusk Photo
With the famous Balanced Rock silhouetted during dusk, the bright full moon rises over Arches National Park in Utah, USA.
Shortly after sunset the full moon came up behind balanced rock in Arches NP, Utah. The blue hour provided just the right light to capture this scene with the rocks and the moon.
Full moon and ...
City Of Rome Aerial Picture Italy Europe
St Peter's Basilica offers one of the best aerial views of the historic city of Rome and the Vatican - a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Italy, Europe.
View from the top of St.Peters cathedral, the monumental centre of the Vatican, Rome, Italy. During the late afternoon hours the city is bathed in a wonderful soft light and on a clear day the vie ...
Historic St Angel Castle And Bridge Rome Italy
The historic St Angel Bridge leads across the Tiber River to the St Angel Castle in the city of Rome, Italy - these structures date date back to around the years 120-140 AD.
Late afternoon light on the St Angel bridge leading to angels castle, Rome Italy. The castle was an old fortress during the medieval times and was renamed St Angel Castle after the archangel Micha ...
St Peters Basilica Statues Vatican Rome Italy
A field of seats, laid out for mass, are looked over by the statues of Andrew, Christ the Redeemer, and John the Baptist, atop the St Peters Basilica in the Vatican, Rome, Italy.
View from the top of St.Peters cathedral, the monumental centre of the Vatican, Rome, Italy. During the late afternoon hours the city is bathed in a wonderful soft light and on a clear day the vie ...
Power Generation Jutland Denmark Europe
Flat, open expanses of fields are the perfect location for windmills used in power generation. The flat meadows of Jutland in Denmark are often covered by masses of yellow canola which surround giant windmills.
Driving through the flat landscape of Jutland in Denmark you very often stumble across the yellow patches of Canola fields. These oil-rich plant is more and more used to manufacture bio diesel for ...
Piazza Veneto Dusk Rome Italy
As dusk falls on Piazza Veneto in the city of Rome, Italy the lights give off a subtle glow which highlights the statues and historic buildings of the square.
Blue hour mood at Piazza Veneto in Rome, Italy. At this hour of the day the flow of tourists is diminishing and a more quet mood - as quiet as is gets in Rome anyway - sets in. The statue of the r ...
Natural Harbour Nymindegab Denmark Europe
The West Coast of Denmark is dotted by inlets, fjords, and natural harbours such as near the the community of Nymindegab .
In some smaller fjords along the danish west coast natural harbours like this one near Nymindegab can be found.
A fishing boat tied up to a wooden wharf in a natural harbour near the town of Ny ...
Meersburg Old Castle Germany Europe
The charming medieval town of Meersburg is a popular destination on the shores of Lake Constance in the Baden-Wuerttemburg region of Germany. The town is home to two castles - the old and new.
One of the prettiest cities on the shores of Lake Constance is Meersburg, an ancient city on the hillside aloing the lake. The old town is well known to tourists all over the world as a place for good ...
Balanced Rock Moon Arches National Park Utah
The famous Balanced Rock in Arches National Park is accompanied by the full moon during dusk in the State of Utah, USA.
Shortly after sunset the full moon came up behind balanced rock in Arches NP, Utah. The blue hour provided just the right light to capture this scene with the rocks and the moon.
Picture Of The Coast Of California USA
Waves of the Pacific Ocean pummel the rocks along the sunny coast of California in the USA.
On the rocky shoreline of the 17 Miles drive near Monterey, california the powerful waves of the pacific are splashing over the rocks.
White Sands National Monument Sunset New Mexico USA
A stunning scene after a thunder storm clears briefly during sunset above the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, USA with dark clouds still hanging in the sky.
The vast white dunes of White sands NM in New Mexico present themselves best in the light of sunset or sunrise. We were lucky to have a break in the clouds after an afternoon of thunder storms, providing ...
San Felipe De Neri Church Albuquerque New Mexico
Standing under the blazing southwest sun in Albuquerque, New Mexico the current San felipe de Neri Church was constructed in 1793 after the first building collapsed.
The church of San felipe de Neri on the plaza of Albuquerque, New Mexico. This church is build in the ever-present adobe style of the southwest.
Bryce Canyon Sunset Utah USA
The formations of Bryce Canyon fall into part shadow during a cloudy sunset over the state of Utah in the USA.
Low clouds are illuminated during sunset over Bryce Canyon. usually the Canyon is not a top spot for sunset thanks to his geographical orientation to the east, but with clouds glowing like this its ...
White Sands National Monument New Mexico USA
Spanning over 20 miles (32 kilometres), the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico, USA is created from thousands of gypsum dunes.
The vast white dunes of White sands NM in New Mexico present themselves best in the light of sunset or sunrise. We were lucky to have a break in the clouds after an afternoon of thunderthorms, providing ...
Pacific Coast Highway 1 California Coastline USA
A spectacular 500 mile (804 kilometres) stretch of road, Highway 1 wends along the Pacific Coast of California and is considered one of the best coastline drives in the USA.
The famous highway #1 near Big Sur, California is part of the Panamericana, the imagined route from Alaska to Patagonia. Near Big Sur the beauty of the coastline is just overwhelming.
Wall Street Bryce Canyon Utah
A pair of trees grow towards the sunlight in the Wall Street section of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, USA.
A Lonesome tree is growing high to the light in the narrow canyons of the wall street section of the Queens Garden trail down in Bryce canyon NP.
Queens Garden Trail Bryce Canyon National Park
A treasure trove of geological wonders best describes the sights along the Queens Garden Trail in Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, USA.
Although the high altitude of more than 6000 ft may affect the individual physical fitness its always worth to take the 4 mile hike through the Queens garden trail and navajo loop trail in Bryce Canyon NP ...
San Francisco Skyline California USA
An impressive skyline seen from the Bay - the skyscrapers of the financial district of San Francisco in California, USA.
The impressive skyline seen from Sausalito across the Bay during a sunny sunday afternoon with lot of boats on the water.
Big Sur Scenery California Coast USA
Rugged indented cliffs along the pacific coast make for some surreal scenery while travelling along Highway 1 near Big Sur in California, USA.
The famous highway #1 near Big Sur, California is part of the Panamericana, the imagined route from Alaska to Patagonia. Near Big Sur the beauty of the coastline is just overwhelming.
Mexican Art San Diego Market California USA
During a walk through the old town of San Diego in California, you are bound to find the market place where beautifully crafted Mexican Art is on display and for sale.
The mexican market in the old town area of San Diego offers lots of colorful shops and restaurants.
California Sunset Picture USA
The jagged rocky coastline of the California coast is silhouetted during sunset over Southwest USA.
After a long days on highway #1 one can perfectly relax during a pacific sunset on the beaches of San Simeon.
Stormy North Sea Denmark Europe
The treacherous stormy waters of the North Sea pummel the pier in the town of Vorupoer along Denmark's west coast.
During stormy weather the pier in the danish west coast town of Vorupoer is not accessible, but showed this dramatic view when the waves were crashing on the rocky tip of the pier.
Picture Of Westgrossefehn Windmill
Situated next to a channel in Westgrossefehn where boats moor, is the fully functional windmill near the coast of the North Sea in Germany.
The mill on Westgrossefehn on the northwest coast of Germany is neatly located at a channel where also sometimes colourful ships are anchoring.
Restored Scottish Castle Of Eilean Donan
Now beautifully restored to its former glory, the Eilean Donan Castle sat for nearly 200 years in ruins surrounded by some of the most stunning scottish scenery.
The very neat castle of Eilean Donan sits on a small island in Loch Duich near Dornie, Scotland. The castle is one of the most famous ones of scottish castles, not only because of staring as the McLeods ...
Rannoch Moor Destination Scotland UK
The water surface of a lake in Rannoch Moor turns to molten gold in the early morning lighting, a wonderful destination for sunrise photography in Scotland, United Kingdom.
One of the best experience a visitor to scotland can make is to get up early (in the summer around 4 am) and enjoy the sunrise in a remote location such as the Rannoch Moor. Although the Moor is crossed ...