Montgolfiade (3 travel photos / pictures)
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Hot Air Balloon Basket Frankfurt
The start of the Montgolfiade a colourful hot air balloon event in Frankfurt, Germany.
During the annual montgolfiade near Frankfurt, germany, one can enjoy the mass start of the hot air balloons, provided the right weather. The colorful event always drags crowds from all over the area ...
Montgolfiade Warstein Germany
Hot air ballons are preparing for take off at the montgolfiade in Warstein, Germany
Every year, in August or September one the the largest hot air ballon festival is taking place in a town in the middle of Germany : Warstein. The local brewery organizes this big montgolfiade. A countless ...
Thunderstorm Flying
A hot air balloon flying in front of a dramatic sky as a thunderstorm broods.
Every year, in August or September one of the largest hot air ballon festivals is taking place in a town in the middle of Germany - Warstein. The local brewery organizes this big montgolfiade. Countless ...