The Northern Resident Killer Whales spend some of their time in the summer months in the Johnstone Strait area in and around Robson Bight - East of Telegraph Cove. There are several options for tours to see the Northern Resident Killer Whales including departures from Telegraph Cove.
Killer Whales are also known as Orca Whales, their scientific name is Orcinus orca.
Killer Whales are the largest member of the Dolphin family and are known as whales because of their sheer size. Orca Whales are broken up into three distinct populations - Resident, Transient, and Off Shore.
Telegraph Cove on Vancouver Island is home to the first whale watching company in British Columbia and tours are still available to see wild killer whales in their natural habitat.
Be sure to read this story on Killer Whale Watching in BC.